• SumoMe

I’ve written a lot of reviews about urth skin solutions’ products over the past few weeks, and I’ve loved them all. Urth really has a great line of skin maintenance and rehabilitation products I’ve come across. As a basis for my high regard for this line, one product really made me a believer: the face wash.

When you think about it, this is one of the most important items in the series, if not the most important of them all. That’s because you can’t do much of anything without a good wash. Washing your face is an often-neglected part of bathing within the manly-types, and no single step is simpler or more important than a face wash.

It's non-foaming, and sinks in instantly, so don't expect a heavy and drying lather.

As I’ve mentioned, the scrub gets in your pores and removes the dirt and dead skin. If you stop there, you’re ending your routine halfway. You need a good wash to finish the job and remove the oils from your skin. If you don’t remove the oils, your pores are just going to get clogged up with the same junk the scrub just removed. That’s where the face wash comes in.

The first thing I noticed about the face wash was how it’s non-foaming. As soon as I applied the wash to my skin, it instantly sunk in and I felt it get to work immediately. I have extremely oily skin, so maintaining healthy oil levels on my skin is a daily task for me. After waiting 30 seconds from application, I removed the wash with warm water and dried my face. Right afterwards, my skin felt dry but not dried out–perfectly moisturized and maintained without feeling greasy or wet. My face also felt… well… clean, and that’s the whole point of this process to begin with.

The urth face wash features their signature all-natural products and as usual plays an important role in the overarching urth skincare maintenance process. I thoroughly enjoyed using this product, and will bring it in as a part of my skincare routine.

Read more about urth’s face wash on their website.

Pick some up for yourself over at The Motley.