Posts tagged "commercial"
Old Spice MANta Claus

Old Spice MANta Claus

After recently covering how not to use manliness in advertising, I thought I’d write about an instance in which advertisers can poke fun at ideas of manliness without being utterly ridiculous. Old Spice is by far the best at walking this fine line. You may remember this guy from the wildly popular “the man you wish your...
Dr. Pepper 10 Fails to Appeal to Men

Dr. Pepper 10 Fails to Appeal to Men

I’m sure you’ve seen this commercial: some guy in the jungle tells you to drink some Dr. Pepper 10 and reminds you that it’s “not for women.” Now, I don’t like to get too sensitive about pop culture’s appeal to the generic male. I do, however, want to point out how badly Dr. Pepper failed...