• SumoMe

Can we just take a minute to recognize how awesome these pants are? Seriously. We’re in the middle of the political silly season, and Bonobos drops some Democrat (shown above) and Republican pants on us. Bonobos is known for their chinos, and this is certainly no exception. The pants are lined with stars and they are one of the most ‘Murrican pair of pants you can buy.

However, I look to Bonobos solely for inspiration because their price is usually prohibitively expensive for a broke law student like myself to get too involved in their brand (much like J.Crew). These pants are no different. With a price tag of $125, I’m going to have to admire them from afar.

However, if I had $125 to drop on a pair of chinos, I’d be all over these. Just take a look at an up-close view of the critters on these bad boys:

These are awesome. You know you love them too. Hey Bonobos, think you can make some Bull Moose pants in honor of Roosevelt? For those, I’d find a way to afford them.

Do you have/want these pants? What do you think? Let’s talk about it in the comments below.