• SumoMe

Humble leaders lead better than their egotistical counterparts.

A study by Bradley Owens at the University at Buffalo School of Management found that “leaders who are open with their feelings and keen to learn and grow are better liked and perceived as more effective.”

The study asked 55 leaders in various capacities and levels to describe how humble leadership plays out in their field:

All of the respondents agreed that humble bosses lead by example, admit their mistakes, and recognize their followers’ strengths; and that these three behaviors are powerful predictors of company growth. Experienced white male leaders reportedly reap the most benefits from such selfless acts, most likely because their employees notice these unexpected deeds more. (The Atlantic)

My first thought was “wow that’s a small survey.” However, the same group released a much larger validating study of over 700 respondents that lead the team to the same conclusion.

In a way, this study mirrors the findings of Jim Collins because his finding that the leader must have a part of themselves invested in the project or goal at hand is in itself a kind of humility and humbleness. When considering both studies on leadership in tandem, it’s clear that good leaders: lead by example, admit mistakes, recognize others’ strengths, and invest themselves in the goal.

Was there ever a time when your humble actions achieved greater results than if you took a more headstrong approach? Discuss it in the comments below.